Maya's Health Tips Episodes

Every Thursday, Maya releases a solo episode addressing one of the pillars of lifestyle medicine. These episodes are usually around 15 minutes long and meant to address any gaps in health topics addressed in interviews. Maya addresses nutrition myths and makes recommendations for the listener.
Sept. 15, 2022

226: Sobriety as a Way of Life | A Personal Testimony

When we talk about sobriety, we frequently speak about physical sobriety, but what is the most critical step you can take to free yourself? Today, Maya discusses how to overcome addiction and the need to modify your lifestyle...

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Sept. 8, 2022

223: The Ultimate Cancun Vacation Checklist with Maya Acosta

Today, we'll look at the best foods in Mexico, dietary meals you can make, and how to enjoy dining out in restaurants while on vacation. Stay in touch and discover how to make the most of your vacation travel arrangements whi...

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Sept. 1, 2022

221: Podcast Movement Conference and Peaceful Planet Foundation Retre…

Today, we'll discuss the key insights from the World's Largest Podcast Conference, which recently concluded in Dallas, Texas. Learn how this convention can help you grow professionally, evolve, and strengthen your podcast com...

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Aug. 18, 2022

216: The Amazing Health Benefits of Berries

Whether you buy organic or commercially grown berries, it is essential to understand why we should consume them daily. Today, we'll discuss the health advantages of berries and how to buy them and incorporate them into your d...

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Aug. 11, 2022

214: So I Went to the Food Is Medicine Conference...Now What?

A group of podcasters comes together to help others learn how to create change and grow their online presence to make an impact in the world. In this episode, you will learn: How a young vegan turned bullying into a comeback ...

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Aug. 4, 2022

212: The Five Best Apps for Eating a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet with…

If you're looking to incorporate more plant-based foods into your diet but have no idea where to start, Maya will go through 5 apps that can help you get started on a whole food plant-based diet. In this episode, you will lea...

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May 4, 2022

182: Things to Anticipate in the Future

Ready for more lifestyle and wellness tips? Today's episode is all about the upcoming activities we will attend and some of the following topics and guests. So stay tuned to hear positive feedback about our podcast, and note ...

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Feb. 3, 2022

156: Where Do You Get Your Protein?

Protein is essential for weight loss, muscle mass, and overall health. But, where do we get it? Listen in as Maya outlines the risks of eating too much protein and if plant-based foods contain adequate protein. Key takeaways ...

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Dec. 22, 2021

143: Making Healthy Living a Priority with Maya Acosta

Don’t miss this episode as we invited Sally back to the show to interview Maya Acosta, PAC co-member and a Pod co-leader. Stay tuned to know more about the enormous impacts of plant-based nutrition on Maya and her family, as ...

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