Are you planning a trip? Don't miss a beat as we give you our plant-based lifestyle travel toolkit in today's Thursday Health Tip episode. Learn some advice on what to eat on flights, maintain a healthy diet while traveling, ...
Now that you've decided to be healthier, it's essential to stick to your plant-based diet when dining out. Today's Thursday Health Tip discusses maintaining a healthy plant-based diet while dining away from home at restaurant...
Discover a great way to incorporate healthy eating into your lifestyle in this Thursday's Health Tip episode. We'll cover simple steps to efficiently plan and prepare meals and develop a habit of making achievable and sustain...
In this Thursday’s Health Tip episode, we’ll talk about healthy ideas on what foods you can keep inside your pantry, fridge, and freezer. Learn the nutritional value of having these foods, tips on making cooking plant-based a...
This episode is about the lack of nutrition education in our society and about the results of not educating the public, such as the high rate of preventable deaths related to diet and the fact that medical schools do not push...
If you’re looking to improve the quality of your life this year, stay connected with us for more episodes that will surely change your perspectives on a plant-based lifestyle. Listen in as we quickly discuss the facts about p...
Get to know more about our host in this episode as Maya shares her introduction to lifestyle medicine and plant-based diets, her journey and learnings over the past few years of podcasting, and her advocacy for a plant-center...
Today, we wrap up all the great experiences and things we should improve from this year’s podcasting journey. Dive into this episode to learn how we’re planning to connect more with you as our listeners and exciting changes t...
Join us in today's episode as Maya gives the biggest highlights of the Annual Lifestyle Medicine Conference in Orlando, Florida. Keep listening for upcoming events and tips on how to make the most out of every conference expe...
In this episode, join us as we celebrate this podcast’s four years of success and four years of inspiring individuals from all walks of life to adopt a healthy lifestyle and foster overall wellness. Be empowered by Maya’s pod...
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and Maya Acosta helps raise awareness of lifestyle modifications that can help reduce the risk of breast cancer in this episode. In this episode, you will learn the following: Lifesty...
If you want to improve your mental health, wellness, and sustainability, this episode is for you. Today we’ll discuss the solution in depth to get the most out of your holistic lifestyle, so tune in to learn more! In this epi...
Do you want to discover what your best qualities are? Join us as we use The VIA Survey of Character Strengths to uncover your greatest qualities and leverage your strengths to achieve your best life. Tune in to unleash your s...
Did you know that embracing a plant-based diet can have incredible health benefits? Eating healthy grains, legumes, and greens can help enhance your overall health and well-being, so listen in to learn more! In this episode, ...
In honor of National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in September, we'll discuss depression and lifestyle medicine's role in improving our general health in today's episode. Join us in spreading awareness about mental heal...