Dr. Melissa Kerr

Dr. Melissa Kerr Profile Photo

Dr. Melissa Kerr, PT, DPT, FNCP, is an Integrative Yoga Health Coach, movement specialist, doctor of physical therapy, integrative physical therapist, functional nutrition for chronic pain practitioner, integrative yoga health coach, experienced registered yoga teacher, certified instructor in Tai Chi and Qi Gong.

Dr. Kerr is a holistic physical therapist specializing in integrative and lifestyle medicine. With certifications in yoga, tai chi, and qigong, Dr. Kerr provides a mind-body approach to movement. Her integrated yoga health practitioner background enables her to investigate wellness and lifestyle changes using yoga philosophy in a client-centered cognitive partnership.

June 21, 2022

197: Transforming Lifestyle Through Mind-Body and Integrative Tools w…

If you want to learn evidence-based techniques to help you rebalance your physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual elements of life, this episode is for you. Join us as Dr. Melissa Kerr explains how lifestyle medicin...

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