Cheryl True

Cheryl True Profile Photo


Cheryl True MD, DipABLM, FACLM is a Family & Lifestyle Medicine Physician in Davenport, IA. She started her Pod Heartland Rooted in 2016. The Pod has typically held monthly meetings that consisted of a potluck with time for fellowship and an educational session. The Pod has also hosted community lectures and healthy food demos, a monthly whole food plant based meal prep workshop, and a spice blends workshop. Heartland Rooted has a website, an active Facebook page & group, and also keeps in contact with members by email. Dr True has many interests and activities. She is a Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, has additional training as a health and wellness coach, and certicificates in plant based nutrition and plant based cooking.

She has her own businesses True Lifestyle Medicine Clinic & LM4U, and is also Medical Director of the Rock Island County Health Department, and Director of Education for digitalLM. She is a Walk with a Doc group leader, and serves on a variety of boards and committees. She enjoys cycling, outdoor activities and cooking. She and her husband enjoy sharing their home with their many pets.

Sept. 12, 2022

224: Advocating a Plant-Based Lifestyle to Improve One's Quality of L…

Enjoy another fantastic episode in which we return to the topic of Pod Advisory Committee members for the Plantpure Communities and Pod Network, where we showcase PAC leaders. Today's guest is Dr. Cheryl True, who shares advi...

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