Pod Leader Episodes

Sept. 15, 2023

361: Empowering Change: Inspiring Health, Compassion, and Climate Act…

Maya Acosta brings insightful on-location interviews from the National Health Association Conference, offering listeners a chance to learn from inspiring individuals like Peter Goldstein. Join the conversation as they discuss...

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Sept. 1, 2023

355: Empowering Plant-Based Community Connections for a Healthier Lif…

Join Maya Acosta in this special episode as she interviews Stephanie & Justin Williams, pod leaders passionate about plant-based living. Discover the transformational effects of community, the global reach of health-focused c...

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Aug. 25, 2023

352: Empowering Children's Health: Plant-Based Nutrition Movement's I…

In this bonus episode, Meryl Fury, the founder of Plant-Based Nutrition Movement, a nonprofit organization talks about her dedication to improving children's health through plant-based nutrition. Meryl shares her journey of a...

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Aug. 18, 2023

349: Planting Wellness: Nurturing Connections and Cultivating Health …

Maya touches base with Amy Tasetano at the National Health Association Conference. They talk about the importance of offering support and cultivating community. Key Takeaways: The Power of Connection and Support: Amy emphasiz...

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Sept. 27, 2022

230: A Successful Mentorship Program Designed to Empower You with Ken…

Do you want to be a part of a plant-based nutrition community that supports and interacts with one another? Kent Marsh shares solutions that you can access to the resources and information you need to make plant-based eating ...

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Sept. 19, 2022

227: Karoline Mueller | Reclaiming Your Freedom and Healing Your Rela…

After being shamed by her family for her weight and being encouraged to diet, Karoline Mueller develops an obsession with food that lasts for years until she discovers whole food plant-based living and finally finds her commu...

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Sept. 12, 2022

224: Advocating a Plant-Based Lifestyle to Improve One's Quality of L…

Enjoy another fantastic episode in which we return to the topic of Pod Advisory Committee members for the Plantpure Communities and Pod Network, where we showcase PAC leaders. Today's guest is Dr. Cheryl True, who shares advi...

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Aug. 30, 2022

219: Meryl Fury | A Nurse Who Found Her Calling in Plant-Based Nutrit…

When the price of beef rises, 15-year-old Meryl Fury and her friend decide to stop eating meat to ease the financial burden on their families, not realizing the profound impact it will have on their own lives and the world ar...

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Aug. 23, 2022

217: From Heart Disease to Healthy and Active with Bill Daniels

Discover how simple lifestyle changes can significantly improve our quality of life as Bill Daniels discusses how adopting an active lifestyle and a plant-based diet improved his heart condition. Stay tuned to learn how he st...

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Aug. 16, 2022

215: How Simple Lifestyle Choices Can Improve Our Quality of Life wit…

After watching a PBS special on plant-based living, a health-conscious woman and her husband decide to give it a try against the advice of her physician father-in-law. In this episode, you will learn: The importance of plant-...

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July 19, 2022

207: Transform Communities and Empower People to Strengthen Dietary a…

Act now to help enable others to make sound decisions about modifying their diets and conserving the environment. Join us today as Beth Love raises awareness about preserving the environment by sustainably modifying our food....

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June 9, 2022

193: The Power Of Plant-Based Foods on Cancer Survival and Sustainabl…

Explore the benefits of plant-based nutrition in cancer survival and good health with Sally Lipsky, who joins us today to share the importance of support and connection among those who follow a plant-based diet. Discover the ...

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